Patch 5.3 – Eskalation: Erste Daten vom Testserver ³

Patch 5

Nachdem von den Entwicklern bereits vor einigen Tagen vorläufige Patchnotes zu Patch 5.3 veröffentlicht wurden, haben unsere Kollegen von mmo-champion mittlerweile erste Daten zum kommenden Update entschlüsselt und einige recht interessante Dinge gefunden. Derzeit sind die Testserver offline, sodass man davon ausgehen kann, dass dieses Update bald aufgespielt wird.

Allgemeine Informationen:

Natürlich wird der kommende Patch 5.3 wieder eine Reihe von neuen Gegenständen, Reittieren, Haustiere und Erfolge beinhalten. Während hier nur die interessantesten dieser neuen Items aufgelistet sind, findet ihr die komplette Liste unter diesem Link.

  • In den Spieldaten wurde ein Reittier mit dem Namen “Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragon” gefunden. Bisher gibt es keine Feendrachen als Reittiere in WoW und eine Implementierung wäre schon recht interessant.


  • Scissors Scissors: Scheinbar wird es ein Schwert für die Transmogrifikation geben, welches gewisse Ähnlichkeiten mit einer Schere aufweist.
  • Mit Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition (New) findet ein weiterer Erfolg seinen Weg in das Spiel, welcher von euch verlangt, dass ihr neue Haustiere aus alten Raids sammeln sollt. Dieses Mal wird es wieder 10 neue Haustiere geben, die quer über alle Raids aus TBC verteilt sind. Darunter befindet sich beispielsweise Spiky Collar Spiky Collar (Böser Wolf aus dem Theaterevent in Kara) oder auch Tainted Core Tainted Core (Hydross in SSC). Als Belohnung winkt dann Tito's Basket Tito’s Basket (Hund vom Theaterevent in Kara).
  • Der Zusatztitel des Patches lautet “Eskalation” und es wird wahrscheinlich darauf hinauslaufen, dass die Dunkelspeertrolle eine Rebellion gegen Garrosh durchführen. Zumindest gibt es folgenden Erfolg “Darkspear Rebellion (New)
  • Es wird ein Erfolg für 200 Reittiere eingeführt, welcher euch mit  Armored Dragonhawk Armored Dragonhawk belohnt. Mount Parade (New)
  • Es gibt eine Reihe von neuen Erfolgen, die ihr erhalten könnt, indem ihr Haustierkämpfe gegen andere Spieler gewinnt.
  • Es wurde ein Erfolg für das Erhalten der dritten Spezialisierung eingeführt: Learn a Third Talent Specialization

Neue Soundfiles:

Zusätzlich dazu gibt es wieder einmal einige neue Soundfiles, die einige neue Informationen zu der Hintergrundgeschichte in diesem Update verraten. Ihr solltet diesen Teil überspringen und nicht auf die Links klicken, sofern ihr diese Spoiler nicht erfahren wollt.

  • Die Trolle, Tauren und Blutelfen werden sich vermutlich mit der Allianz verbünden, um OG einzunehmen.
  • Die Trolle, Tauren und Blutelfen greifen über das Land an, während die Allianz über den Seeweg kommt.
  • Thrall unterstützt Vol´jin nicht direkt, sondern geht versteckt nach OG und sucht dort nach Orcs, die nicht hinter Garrosh stehen (Saurfang).
  • Thralls Kind ist ein Junge!
  • Die Zandalari überreden die Trolle der Frostmähnen dazu, gegen Eisenschmiede zu ziehen. Varian und sein Champion verbünden sich mit Dunkeleisenzwergen, um der Stadt zu helfen. Die Clans der Zwerge werden sich vereinen und die Allianz mit voller Kraft unterstützen.
  • Der schwarze Prinz Wrathion ist erblindet und verletzt, sodass er die Hilfe der 4 himmlischen Erhabenen braucht, um sich zu heilen. Der Champion und Anduin müssen ihn dabei unterstützen und eine von vier unterschiedlichen Prüfungen bestehen (legendäre Quesreihe mit Auswahl?).
  • Scheinbar treffen wir auf Emperor Shaohao. Dies war der letzte Kaiser der Pandaren, welcher vor 10000 Jahren gelebt hat. Der siebte Sha ist der des Stolzes und er befindet sich immer noch im Kaiser der Pandaren. Er beschreibt den Stolz als stärksten Sha von allen, der sogar stärker ist als die restlichen 6 Sha zusammengenommen.


Neue Ladebildschirme:

new-LoadingScreen_Shadowpan_bg new-LoadScreenProvingGrounds

Neue Karten:

tempkrasaranghordebase valeofeternalblossomsscenario1 valeofeternalblossomsscenario

emberdeepscenario1 dunmoroghscenario goldrush



  • Icy Talons: Your melee attack speed is increased by 30%.
  • Might of the Frozen Wastes: When wielding a two-handed weapon, your Obliterate deals 40% more damage, and all melee attacks deal an additional 20% damage.
  • Threat of Thassarian:  When dual-wielding, your Death Strikes, Obliterates, Plague Strikes, and Frost Strikes also deal damage with your off-hand weapon, and your Frost Strike damage is increased by 50%.


  • Spear Hand Strike: You jab the target in the throat, interrupting their spell cast and preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec. If the enemy is facing you when cast, they are also silenced for 2 sec.
  • Stance of the Fierce Tiger: Increases your movement speed by 10%, increases damage done by 30% and increases the amount of Chi generated by your Jab and Expel Harm abilities by 1.
  • Brewmaster Training:  You become adept in the ways of the Brewmaster, amplifying three of your abilities. Fortifying Brew Also increases your Stagger amount by 20% while active. Tiger Palm Tiger Palm no longer costs Chi, and when you deal damage with Tiger Palm the amount of your next Guard is increased by 15%. Lasts 30 sec. Blackout Kick After you Blackout Kick, you gain Shuffle, increasing your parry chance by 20% and your Stagger amount by an additional 20% for 6 sec.
  • Glyph of Uplift: Your Uplift no longer costs Chi, but instead costs 16% Mana.


  • Cat Form: Shapeshift into Cat Form, causing Agility to increase attack power, increasing autoattack damage by 100%, and increasing movement speed by 25% (cumulative with most other movement speed increases). Also protects the caster from Polymorph effects and allows the use of various cat abilities. Energy regeneration continues while not in Cat Form. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects
  • Swiftmend: Instantly heals a friendly target that has an active Rejuvenation or Regrowth effect for 13966 (+ 129% of SpellPower). In addition, restores (13966 ( + 129% of SpellPower) * 0.12) health to the $?p138284[four][three] most injured allies within 8 yards of the initial target every 1 sec for 7 sec.


  • Frostbolt: Heals your Water Elemental for 1988 (+ 191% of SpellPower).
  • Ice Floes: Allows you to move while casting and channeling the next 2 Mage spells that have a base cast or channel time less than 4 sec. This spell may be cast while a cast time spell is in progress and is not on the global cooldown. Lasts 15 sec.
  • Fingers of Frost: Your successful Frostbolts, Frostfire Bolts and Frozen Orb hits have a 15% chance, and your Blizzard ticks have a 5% chance to grant you the Fingers of Frost effect. The Fingers of Frost effect causes your next Ice Lance or Deep Freeze to act as if your target were frozen, and increases Ice Lance damage by 25% for 15 sec. Limit 2 charges.
  • Frostbolt: Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing 1750 to 2226 (+ 191% of SpellPower) Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 15 sec. Also causes the target to take an additional 5% damage from your Frostbolt and Ice Lance, and your Water Elemental’s Waterbolt and Water Jet, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Summon Water Elemental: Summon a Water Elemental to fight for the caster. Casting Frostbolt on your Water Elemental will heal it for 1988 (+ 191% of SpellPower).
  • Glyph of Deep Freeze: Your Deep Freeze spell is no longer on the global cooldown, but its duration is reduced by 1 sec.


  • Binding Heal: Heals a friendly target and the caster for 8718 to 11207 (+ 89.9% of SpellPower).
  • Spiritual Healing: Increases the healing done by Flash Heal, Binding Heal, Renew, and Prayer of Mending by 25%.


  • Shroud of Concealment: Extend a cloak that wraps party and raid members within 0 yards in shadows, concealing them from sight for up to 15 sec.
  • Assassin’s Resolve: While wielding daggers, your maximum Energy is increased by 20 and your damage is increased by 25%.


  • Capacitor Totem: Summons an Air totem with 10 health at the feet of the caster that gathers electrical energy from the surrounding air and then explodes after 5 sec to stun all enemies within 8 yards for 5 sec.
  • Chain Lightning: Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing 1029 to 1175 (+ 51.8% of SpellPower) Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.
  • Earthbind Totem: Summons an Earth Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec that slows the movement speed of enemies within 10 yards.
  • Grounding Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster that will redirect one harmful spell cast on a nearby party member to itself, destroying the totem. Will not redirect area of effect spells. Lasts 15 sec.
  • Healing Stream Totem: Summons a Water Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for 15 sec that heals the most injured party or raid member within 40 yards for (31 ( + 8.27% of SpellPower) + ($SP * 0.3124) * 1 * 1) every 2 sec.
  • Magma Totem: Summons a Fire Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that causes 298 (+ 6.7% of SpellPower) Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.
  • Searing Totem: Summons a Fire Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at your feet for 1 min that repeatedly attacks an enemy within 0 to 25 yards for 60 to 80 (+ 11% of SpellPower) Fire damage.
  • Stormlash Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 10 health at the feet of the caster, empowering allies within 40 yards with lightning. While empowered, allies’ spells and attacks will trigger bursts of electricity, dealing additional Nature damage to their target. Lasts 10 sec.
  • Earthgrab Totem: Summons an Earth Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for 20 sec. The totem pulses every 2 sec, causing roots to ensnare the legs of all enemies within 10 yards for 5 sec, preventing movement. Enemies that have already been rooted once by the totem will instead have their movement speed reduced by 50%. Replaces Earthbind Totem.
  • Windwalk Totem:Summons an Air Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster for 6 sec, granting raid members within 40 yards immunity to movement-impairing effects.
  • Spirit Link Totem: Summons an Air Totem with 10% of the caster’s health at the feet of the caster. The totem reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. Every 1 sec, the health of all affected players is redistributed, such that each player ends up with the same percentage of their maximum health. Lasts 6 sec
  • Glyph of Chain Lightning:Your Chain Lightning spell now strikes 2 additional targets, but deals 10% less damage.


  • Drain Life: Drains the life from the target, causing (357 + 0.334 * $SP) Shadow damage and restoring 2% of the caster’s total health every 1 sec. Lasts 6 sec. Healing increased by 50%.]
  • Siphon Life: Your Corruption spell will heal you for 20% of the damage dealt.
  • Grimoire of Sacrifice: You sacrifice your demon to gain one of its abilities, increase the power of many of your single target spells by $?c0[15% to 30][]$?c1[30][]$?c2[25][]$?c3[15][]% and regenerate 2% of maximum health every 5 sec. Lasts for 1 hour. Summoning another demon cancels the effect.
  • Drain Soul: Drains the soul of the target, causing (417 + $SP * 0.375) Shadow damage every 2 sec and energizing one Soul Shard after it deals damage twice. If the target dies and yields experience or honor, three Soul Shards are energized. Lasts 12 sec. If the target is at or below 20% health when Drain Soul deals damage, it deals 100% additional damage and causes all of your other periodic Affliction damage effects to instantly deal 100% of their normal periodic damage.
  • Fire and Brimstone: Your next Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate or Curse will hit all targets within 10 yards of the target and deal 134770.64% of their normal damage.
  • Hand of Gul’dan: Summons a falling meteor to strike the target and all enemies within 6 yards for 614 (+ 57.5% of SpellPower) Shadowflame damage and inflicting them with Shadowflame. Shadowflame Reduces movement speed by 30% and deals 876 (+ 13.7% of SpellPower) Shadowflame damage over 6 sec. Generates 2 Demonic Fury every time it deals damage.
  • Metamorphosis: Chaos Wave: While using Metamorphosis, your Hand of Gul’dan spell transforms into Chaos Wave. Chaos WaveMetamorphosis40 yd range InstantHurls a wave of chaos to strike the target and all enemies within 6 yards, dealing 1068 (+ 116.7% of SpellPower) Chaos damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 6 sec
  • Glyph of Siphon Life: Your Corruption spell will heal you for 20% of the damage dealt.


  • Intimidating Shout: Causes the targeted enemy to cower in fear, and up to 5 additional enemies within 8 yards to flee. Lasts 8 sec.
  • Raging Blow: A mighty blow that deals 190% weapon damage from both melee weapons.
  • Raging Blow Off-Hand: A mighty blow that deals 190% weapon damage from both melee weapons.
  • Staggering Shout: Causes all enemies within 20 yards that are snared to become rooted for 5 sec.Damage caused may interrupt the effect.